Fr. Ignacio Amorós Rodríguez-Fraile, Spanish Community Leader, joins Matthew Petrusek, Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute, for a game of 10 Questions. In a world filled with ambiguity, guests are tasked with answering questions with precision and clarity: Yes or No.
01:09 | Is happiness really possible?
04:20 | Is getting a tattoo a sin?
07:24 | Should you wait until marriage to have sex?
10:09 | Is love just a feeling?
12:23 | Is mercy the greatest attribute of God?
14:40 | Do we have to go to a priest for confession?
18:21 | Is suffering something that’s willed by God?
20:12 | Is Jesus really God?
21:41 | Is Jesus really present in the Eucharist?
23:08 | Should Catholics practice yoga, Zen, or other transcendental meditation?.