Pope Benedict XVI
1927 — 2022

“The bottom line is expressed in a famous expression from Pope Benedict XVI, in his 2005 document Deus Caritas Est: ‘Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction.’ Keep that clear, and all will be well; lose sight of it, and nothing else in the long run will really matter.”
Excerpted from “To Light a Fire on the Earth”
Click here for the livestream of the Solemn Funeral Mass
Videos & Audio
on Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI, Man of Faith and Reason—Fox News

Farewell to Pope Benedict

BONUS: 5 Enduring Lessons from Pope Benedict XVI

WOF 346: The 3 Tasks of the Church

Bishop Barron on the Three Essential Elements of the Church

The Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI

Three Tasks of the Church

Pope Benedict XVI’s Visit to Germany

The Wisdom of Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict’s "Caritas in Veritate" Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron

Pope Benedict’s Visit To America

Jacob Neusner, Benedict XVI, and the Vocation of Israel

Habemus Papam (Part 2 of 2)

Habemus Papam (Part 1 of 2)
on Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI’s Address on Cultural Renewal

Top 5 Ratzinger Books

Epiphany in Benedict XVI’s Theology of Divine Revelation

Meeting (the Future) Pope Benedict

My Spiritual Father, Benedict the Great

Joseph Ratzinger and Human Freedom

Farewell to Pope Benedict

Pre-Evangelization: Prepping the World for Faith like Benedict XVI

Social Unrest and Doubt: Catalysts of Communication, Conversion

The Ratzingerian Constants and the Maintenance of Harmony in the Church

The One Pope

The Best Lesson Ratzinger Ever Taught Me

The False God of Absolute Freedom

Popes and the Soul

Why Faith is Indeed a Light

What Faith Is and What it Isn’t

Pope Benedict XVI Among the Germans

The Pope’s Young Army

Pope Benedict and How To Read the Bible

Wise Words from the Bishop of Rome Concerning the Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal

Pope Benedict as a Witness to God

Thomas More and the Bishop of Rome

Pope Benedict and the Logic of Gratuity
The Pope Benedict XVI Reader

This book offers a point of entry for those seeking a deeper engagement with Joseph Ratzinger’s teachings, whether you have read little of his work or have enjoyed it for years.
This wide-ranging collection draws together some of the finest excerpts from Ratzinger’s interviews, speeches, audiences, homilies, and books, with insights on a variety of topics, including the Trinity, the person of Jesus Christ, the Church, Mary and the saints, the Bible, the liturgy, prayer, the Second Vatican Council, and the challenge of living the faith in the modern world.
What emerges is a fascinating portrait of a man whose legacy of scholarly erudition, pastoral gentleness, and deep and abiding love for Christ and his Church continues to awe the world.
Thank you, Pope Benedict, for the thousand ways that you have blessed the Church. And may God grant you peace.