One thing we’ve learned this week: we are far from the only folks who have been moved by the intercession of St. Therese. We asked you to share on Facebook and Twitter some thoughts on your personal relationship with the saint and you delivered — and then some. Here are a few of the many wonderful responses we received.
St Therese chose me. As I considered finding my Confirmation name back in the late 70’s. She spoke to my heart. My mom has a beautiful statue of her that sits on her dresser. Later in my 30’s I learned more about Therese. How she was a very dramatic young girl and learned to control her need to be the center of attention. Like myself the baby of the family. I need to take the attention of myself and point and magnify Jesus in my life. She continues to guide me and to love, learn and serve Jesus more everyday. — Darcel Weiss
She taught me that anyone can be a saint, that you don’t need great accomplishments just great love. This single realization was a turning point for me. — Sharlene Tan Valera
When I was a Protestant, her writings proved to me that the Catholic Church taught salvation by grace alone: “I come to You with empty hands, asking that You fill them with Yourself.” — Jack Grimes
I’ve gotten to know St. Therese through reading “Story of a Soul” several times over the years, and she has become one of my intercessors. Last January, my family and I were in San Francisco for the Walk for Life, and we visited a parish where we found a beautiful statue of Therese. I knelt down and asked her intercession for my discerning of a vocation to the Secular Carmelites. I just couldn’t tell if God were *really* calling me, or if this notion was merely my own “wishful thinking”. Lo and behold, a lady with a thick accent suddenly approached me, saying, “I’m so sorry to interrupt your prayer, but I have something to share with you,” and held out a First Class Relic of St. Therese!!! As it turns out, she and her husband were also in town for the Walk, and were part of an Apostolate that brings the graces of relics to such events. They even had relics of some of our children’s favorite Saints! She, her husband, my family and I all got to pray together and venerate the relics and it was just an *amazing* time right there in that parish– sooo many graces!!! Thank you, St. Therese! (By the way, I am now an Aspirant to the Secular Order of Carmel. ) — Oh Donna
Six months after my husband died,: after I made a confession, our priest asked in a puzzled voice if I prayed to St. Therese. I didn’t, he suggested that I do so and expect roses. The next day beginning with a 6 am program on EWTN about St Therese the day was filled with more than 3 confirmations including roses. When I shared with our priest about the day, he continued on that my husband was in heaven and was in cahoots with St T. So I reread Story of A Soul, and began asking for her intercession: my house sold without being put on the market, as I was trying to discern if I was to move to be closer to my daughters and family. The house I bought a few weeks later was owned by a woman who grew up in Little Flower Parish, was married there, and her children baptized there. So I know that St Therese is one of my intercessors. Praise God! — Juanita Russell
The first time I heard of the power of St. Therese was a story my father told over and over. During WW2, he was heading back to NY via train and at this particular time, he was very ill. He laid down on one of the benches in the train depot and fell asleep. As he told it, he had a visitation from St. Therese as he prayed for strength and when he awoke, there were rose petals on the floor by his feet. He never waivered on this story and I never doubted that this happened to him. — Regina Pappas
@WordOnFire #LittleFlower was the first saint i read about and fell in love with. She debunked my notion that saints are boring! — carol_ferrao via Twitter
I was in Grade 9 when I stumbled upon her autobiography in my school library. Avoiding homework, I picked it up and started reading. My faith came alive reading about her. She introduced me to Jesus through that book. I still pray for her intercession every day, now 20 years later. — Cara Caton
St. Therese sent me a “shower of roses” to show me the infinite mercy of The Lord! When I thought chemotherapy was not working I was overwhelmed with fear and despair. I was afraid my deeds in earth would not be enough to grant my soul the privilege of eternal life in the presence of God. I had no hope, I was so terrified I could not even cry myself to sleep…The only way my mind finally found rest and my soul found peace was reading little Therese’s words…And she showed me that our sweet merciful loving Father was eager to forgive me, and was happy with me and loved me, and wanted to love me more! If only I would accept his love and love him back… In the morning as I meditated on the experience with St Therese, I saw what looked like snowflakes floating in the wind…I came closer to the window as I could not believe it was snowing on this beautiful day in May….and I realized those were no snowflakes but white petals, swirling in the wind in front of my window on the 9th floor! A shower of roses! Thank you St Therese! I feel so blessed! — Natalia Calderon
Love St. Therese! She has sent me many roses as signs when I asked her for help. I carried roses in my wedding bouquet in honor of her. Last year, newly pregnant and afraid of another miscarriage, I sought her intercession for my baby. Two days later, I found a small rose growing near the corner of the parish rectory. The ultrasound went ok, as did my son’s arrival. I plan to introduce baby Joey to Therese. — Kristy Kubasal Tucker