Fr. Steve Grunow, CEO of Word on Fire, joins Matthew Petrusek, Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute, for an extended game of 10 Questions. In a world filled with ambiguity, guests are tasked with answering questions with precision and clarity: Yes or No.
01:00 | Is the Church today living in a time uniquely hostile to the Gospel?
03:17 | Is the Church in a uniquely dark period of scandal and dysfunction?
11:13 | Can Catholic social media bear the weight of the Gospel and Tradition?
13:14 | Should Catholicism prefer one particular aesthetic over another?
20:56 | Has the Church’s historic influence in cultures lately lessened?
25:05 | Should the Church use artificial intelligence to evangelize?
29:54 | Should the Church take an active, public role in political debates?
34:01 | Can Western Civilization survive without the Church?
36:10 | Is there a vocations crisis in the West and, if so, what’s contributed to it?
42:05 | Do you believe in the devil and the influence of malign spirits in human affairs?