Sermons I Am Doing Something New! Bishop Robert Barron February 19, 2012 Cycle BOrdinary Time7th wk of Ordinary Time
Commentaries Woody Allen’s "Midnight In Paris" Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron June 7, 2011
Commentaries Is There a Correlation Between Religion and Violence? (#AskFrBarron) Bishop Robert Barron April 4, 2011
Commentaries How Do the Soul and Body Relate? (Faith Seeks Understanding) Bishop Robert Barron May 27, 2010
Commentaries Why Did God Create the World? (Faith Seeks Understanding) Bishop Robert Barron May 20, 2010
Commentaries Why Was the Cross Necessary? (Faith Seeks Understanding) Bishop Robert Barron April 1, 2010
Commentaries "The Stoning of Soraya M." Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron July 2, 2009
Commentaries "Slumdog Millionaire" Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron March 23, 2009
Bishop Barron The Task of the Next Generation of the Catholic Commentariat Bishop Robert Barron January 27, 2009
Commentaries "The Matrix" (Part 2 of 2) Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron February 18, 2008
Commentaries "The Matrix" (Part 1 of 2) Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron February 6, 2008
Sermons Behold the Lamb of God Bishop Robert Barron January 20, 2008 Cycle AOrdinary Time2nd wk of Ordinary Time
Commentaries Bob Dylan’s "All Along the Watchtower" Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron January 19, 2008
Sermons The Lessons of Naaman Bishop Robert Barron October 14, 2007 Cycle COrdinary Time28th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Lessons of Qoheleth Bishop Robert Barron August 5, 2007 Cycle COrdinary Time18th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Burying the Talents Bishop Robert Barron November 13, 2005 Cycle AOrdinary Time33rd wk of Ordinary Time