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Summer To-Do List for Catholic School Teachers

July 2, 2024


As one school year ends and another looms on the horizon, teachers spend the summer enjoying restoration, leisure, and reflection. Amidst the potential flurry of family vacations, reading, side hustles, maintenance projects, planning, and professional development, Catholic school teachers must be mindful stewards of this time, focusing first on faith.

At my Catholic school’s first Mass of the year, every teacher stands together before our pastor, administrators, colleagues, parents, and students to recite this Pledge of Fidelity:

As a teacher in a Catholic school, I am committed to respect and reasonably defend the Catholic faith in speech and action, especially as it relates to faith and morals, and will refrain from putting forth as Catholic teaching anything contrary to the Church’s Magisterium.

Does your school have the tradition of teachers reciting a Pledge of Fidelity? It is a beautiful tradition that can be easily incorporated into the first Mass of the school year. In preparation to recite this pledge this fall (with your fellow teachers or on your own), it is paramount for Catholic school teachers to focus first on faith. To effectively share the richness of the Catholic faith with our students, teachers must first cultivate a deep and vibrant faith within themselves. Here are ten practical ways Catholic school teachers can focus first on faith over the summer in preparation to take on the Pledge of Fidelity:

1.     Sacramental Life:

Foster the sacramental life by regularly receiving the sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession. Receive nourishment from this fountain of grace. 

2.     Prayer:

Dedicate time each day to prayer, nurturing a personal relationship with God. Incorporate various forms of prayer, such as Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Liturgy of the Hours, lectio divina, the Rosary, and spontaneous prayer.

3.     Scripture Study:

Engage in regular reading and reflection on Sacred Scripture to deepen understanding of the Bible and the treasury of faith.

4.     Spiritual Reading:

Cultivate the habit of reading spiritual literature and writings of saints for practical insights into living a life faithful to the Magisterium of the Church.

5.     Retreats:

Set aside time for retreats to deepen one’s relationship with God and gain clarity and insights.

6.     Make a pilgrimage:

Undertake pilgrimages to sacred sites, fostering a deeper sense of connection with the Church’s traditions and history.

7.     Sacred Art and Music:

Immerse oneself in the beauty of sacred art and music, considering how to lead with beauty to teach the faith and help students encounter the glory of God.

8.     Continuing Education:

Attend workshops, seminars, and retreats focused on Catholic theology and pedagogy to deepen understanding of the faith and enhance teaching skills. Strategize concrete ways to integrate faith into academics by imbuing subject matter with Catholic teachings. Create a culture of faith within the classrooms to instill in students a desire for a deep and lasting relationship with Christ through his Church.

9.     Service to Others:

Engage in acts of charity and service, embodying the Gospel message of love and compassion as exemplars of faith.

10.  Community:

Foster connections with Catholics by participating in parish activities, small groups, and Bible studies. Befriend local religious communities and participate in diocesan activities to find support and encouragement within your local faith community.

By prioritizing these practices, Catholic school teachers can nurture a strong foundation of faith within themselves which will allow them to authentically share the richness of the Catholic tradition with their students. As they recite the Pledge of Fidelity at the start of the new academic year, they do so as witnesses to the transformative power of faith in Christ and his Church. 

What else would you add to this list? How will you cultivate faith this summer?

Rose Coleman

About the author

Rose Coleman

Rose is the Word on Fire Institute’s Primary Educators’ Formation Community Leader and a third-grade teacher at St. Agnes School in St. Paul, MN. She has a master’s degree in religious education from the Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity at the University of St. Thomas, a master’s degree in education from Winona State University, and a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Minnesota. Rose has also taught preschool, kindergarten, second, fifth, eighth, and ninth grade. She was a Shared Wisdom Community Leader for the Institute for Catholic Liberal Education. Rose is a devotional writer for Blessed Is She and a contributing author to All She Had, Blessed Conversations: Rooted, and Rise Up.