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WOF 203: Joe Rogan, Richard Dawkins, and God (Part 1 of 2)

Bishop Robert Barron and Brandon Vogt

October 28, 2019

Joe Rogan, host of the one of the world’s most popular podcasts, recently interviewed Richard Dawkins about Dawkins’ new book, Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide. It’s a follow-up book to Dawkins’ bestselling The God Delusion, although this one is aimed at younger readers. The Rogan/Dawkins interview went immediately viral, drawing over a million views within 48 hours.

Today, Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt talk through the first half of the interview, responding to arguments raised against God and religion.
(Check back next week for our discussion of the second half!)

A listener asks whether Bishop Barron has considered making Word on Fire into a religious order.


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