Bishop Barron’s Articles Why Anti-Catholic Prejudice Ought to Bother Everyone Bishop Robert Barron January 20, 2014
Sermons Apocalypse and the Resurrection Bishop Robert Barron November 17, 2013 Cycle COrdinary Time33rd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Resurrection of the Body Bishop Robert Barron November 10, 2013 Cycle COrdinary Time32nd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Sin of David Bishop Robert Barron June 16, 2013 Cycle COrdinary Time11th wk of Ordinary Time
Bishop Barron’s Articles Gay Marriage and the Breakdown of Moral Argument Bishop Robert Barron April 16, 2013
Sermons Every Saint Had a Past, Every Sinner Has a Future Bishop Robert Barron March 17, 2013 Cycle CLent5th wk of Lent
Bishop Barron’s Articles Victor Hugo’s Re-Telling of the Gospel Bishop Robert Barron January 21, 2013
Sermons The Dilemma of the Law Bishop Robert Barron September 2, 2012 Cycle BOrdinary Time22nd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Word of God Made Flesh Bishop Robert Barron August 19, 2012 Cycle BOrdinary Time20th wk of Ordinary Time
Commentaries "The Dark Knight Rises" Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron August 15, 2012
Sermons Faith and the Law Bishop Robert Barron July 1, 2012 Cycle BOrdinary Time13th wk of Ordinary Time
Bishop Barron’s Articles Why It’s Okay to be Against Heresy and for Imposing One’s Will on Others Bishop Robert Barron June 1, 2012
Sermons Love Both Conditional and Unconditional Bishop Robert Barron May 13, 2012 Cycle B6th wk of Easter
Bishop Barron’s Articles The HHS Mandate: Anti-Catholic and Un-American Bishop Robert Barron February 13, 2012
Bishop Barron’s Articles Standing Athwart the Totalitarianism of the State Bishop Robert Barron January 30, 2012
Sermons He Speaks With Authority Bishop Robert Barron January 29, 2012 Cycle BOrdinary Time4th wk of Ordinary Time
Bishop Barron’s Articles If You Want to be a Good Person, It Does Matter What You Believe Bishop Robert Barron November 17, 2011
Sermons The Great Spiritual Law Bishop Robert Barron November 13, 2011 Cycle AOrdinary Time33rd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Parable of the Tenants Bishop Robert Barron October 2, 2011 Cycle AOrdinary Time27th wk of Ordinary Time
Bishop Barron’s Articles “Reduction to a Singleton” and the Sovereignty of Choice Bishop Robert Barron September 15, 2011
Bishop Barron’s Articles The Acts We Perform; the People We Become Bishop Robert Barron August 5, 2011
Sermons The Little Ones Bishop Robert Barron July 3, 2011 Cycle AOrdinary Time14th wk of Ordinary Time
Bishop Barron’s Articles A Nation Under God; a Nation That Keeps the Sabbath Bishop Robert Barron June 24, 2011