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Though originally from New Jersey, Dr. Jacob W. Wood received a Masters of Theology (Honours) from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, in 2007. The love for the Scriptures and the Christian Tradition which he developed there led him to the doorstep of the Catholic Church, into which he was received in 2008. Following his conversion, Dr. Wood continued his theological studies at the Catholic University of America, where in 2014 he received a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology. He has taught theology at Catholic institutions of higher learning across the United States, and is presently an Assistant Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville. In addition to his teaching, Dr. Wood is the author of Speaking the Love of God: An Introduction to the Sacraments (Emmaus Road, 2016). He has also published scholarly articles in Nova et Vetera and The Heythrop Journal, as well as popular articles in National Review Online, Inside the Vatican Magazine, Crisis Magazine, and Aleteia. He lives in Bloomingdale, OH, with his wife and four children, where together they enjoy gardening and raising animals amidst the beauty of the Ohio countryside.
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