Sermons True God, True Man Bishop Robert Barron August 24, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time21st wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Living Bread Bishop Robert Barron August 10, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time19th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Food that Will Never Perish Bishop Robert Barron August 3, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time18th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Food for the Journey Bishop Robert Barron July 27, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time17th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Sheep Without a Shepherd Bishop Robert Barron July 20, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time16th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Sent out Two by Two Bishop Robert Barron July 13, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time15th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Perseverance Produces Character Bishop Robert Barron July 6, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time14th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Who Do You Say that I Am? Bishop Robert Barron June 29, 2003 Cycle BSts. Peter and PaulOrdinary Time
Sermons Zeal for your House Consumes Me Bishop Robert Barron March 23, 2003 Cycle BLent3rd wk of Lent
Sermons The Bridegroom Bishop Robert Barron March 2, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time8th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Paralysis of Sin Bishop Robert Barron February 23, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time7th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Seeking the Lost Bishop Robert Barron February 16, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time6th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Reluctant Prophet Bishop Robert Barron January 26, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time3rd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Speak Lord, I’m Listening Bishop Robert Barron January 19, 2003 Cycle BOrdinary Time2nd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Here Comes With Power the Lord God Bishop Robert Barron December 8, 2002 Cycle BAdvent2nd wk of Advent
Sermons Life is a Risk Bishop Robert Barron November 17, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time33rd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Be Vigilant Bishop Robert Barron November 10, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time32nd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Woe to You Pharisees Bishop Robert Barron November 3, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time31st wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Caesar and Christ Bishop Robert Barron October 20, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time29th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Tenants of the Vineyard Bishop Robert Barron October 6, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time27th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons May That Same Mind Be in You that Was in Christ Jesus Bishop Robert Barron September 29, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time26th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Off-Putting Generosity of God Bishop Robert Barron September 22, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time25th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Get Thee Behind Me, Satan Bishop Robert Barron September 1, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time22nd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Thou Art Peter Bishop Robert Barron August 25, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time21st wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Witty Response Bishop Robert Barron August 18, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time20th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons Loaves and Fishes Bishop Robert Barron August 4, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time18th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons A Treasure, a Pearl, a Net Bishop Robert Barron July 28, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time17th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Wheat and the Tares Bishop Robert Barron July 21, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time16th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons A Sower Went Out to Sow Bishop Robert Barron July 14, 2002 Cycle AOrdinary Time15th wk of Ordinary Time