Commentaries "The Sopranos" (Part 1 of 2) Commentary by Fr. Robert Barron Bishop Robert Barron June 18, 2007
Sermons My Flesh is Real Food; My Blood is Real Drink Bishop Robert Barron August 20, 2006 Cycle BOrdinary Time20th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Wedding Banquet Bishop Robert Barron October 9, 2005 Cycle AOrdinary Time28th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Vineyard Bishop Robert Barron October 2, 2005 Cycle AOrdinary Time27th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermons The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Bishop Robert Barron December 5, 2004 Cycle AAdvent2nd wk of Advent
Sermons Jesus Yesterday, Today, and Forever! Bishop Robert Barron June 13, 2004 Cycle CCorpus Christi