Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims God’s concern for children: “It is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost.”
After completing her novitiate in Darjeeling, Mother Teresa made temporary vows and began teaching in the convent school there and working part-time as an aide at a small hospital.
Once a man arrived at the hospital with a bundle out of which protruded what appeared to be twigs. When Teresa looked more closely, she saw that they were the impossibly emaciated legs of a child, blind and near death. The man told the young sister that if she didn’t take the boy, he would throw him to the jackals.Teresa’s journal takes up the story: “With much pity and love, I take the little one into my arms, and fold him in my apron. The child has found a second mother.” And then this passage dawned upon her: “And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me.” This is the key to the mature practical spirituality of Mother Teresa: in serving the suffering and the poorest of the poor, one is serving Christ.