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Practical ways

to Evangelize

The first and foremost practical strategy for evangelization is to deepen your knowledge of the Catholic tradition. Catholicism has a smart, rich, and profound tradition, including the Scriptures; treasures of theology, spirituality, art, architecture, and literature; and the inspiring witness of the saints. Simply put, you can’t share what you don’t have—and you have to learn the tradition of Catholic Christianity in order to bear it to others.

Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations. This call went out not simply to the leaders of the Church then and now, but to all of us—the baptized, to all the people of God. Don’t miss the opportunity to be a disciple of Christ, a bearer of the impossibly Good News.

Here are some practical ways to evangelize the culture:


Lead with the


Beauty can help lead to powerful conversations. The key is that you allow the questions to surface organically. Here are some practical ways to evangelize in a nonthreatening way using beauty:

  • Place a beautiful picture of your favorite saint or cathedral up in your office.
  • Live your life with radiant joy that attracts others.
  • Add scripture quotes to your Christmas cards, birth announcements, wedding invitations, etc.
  • Study the paintings of Caravaggio and Michelangelo, and the sculptures and architecture of Bernini.
  • Publicly pray with your family.
  • Watch the Pivotal Players film series and discover the truth behind some of the most influential figures of Catholic history.


Don’t dumb down

the message.

We are a thinking religion, and should fill our evangelical and apologetic arsenal with the wisdom of our intellectual tradition.

Here are some ways to strengthen your familiarity with the intellectual depths of the faith:


Tell the great story.

Jesus is the fulfillment and culmination of the great story of Israel. Don’t abstract him from the Old Testament and present him only through the lens of the New. Doing so risks painting Jesus as a mere teacher, not the long-awaited Lord and King. Here are some key books to use in your journey of evangelization.

The Word on Fire Bible, Volume I, II, and III

by Word on Fire

The New Apologetics

Defending the Faith in a Post-Christian Era

Edited by Matthew Nelson


By Bishop Robert Barron