Fr. Barron has been filming his video commentaries for years, but what happens behind the scenes? Take a sneak peak behind the filming of his most recent video on C.S. Lewis. Below you’ll find photos and videos showing how Father prepares and films each week.
Fr. Barron begins each commentary by writing out an article on the topic. Then he reviews the article before filming.
Fr. Steve Grunow, Word on Fire CEO, jots down a few key phrases on a cue card.
Fr. Barron likes to have dates and key ideas available on the cue card.
The view from Fr. Barron’s chair. Doesn’t Fr. Steve look like Pope Pius XII?
Setting up the wireless microphone, which connects to the video camera.
This is what our videographer sees.
Almost ready to begin!
Father begins the commentary with his typical insightfulness.
Father making a pointed observation.