Sermones Rey de Todo, Guerrero de la Misericordia Bishop Robert Barron November 20, 2022 Cycle CChrist the King34th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones El Temblor de Tres Mundos Bishop Robert Barron November 13, 2022 Cycle C33rd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones La Realidad de la Vida Después de la Muerte Bishop Robert Barron November 6, 2022 Cycle C32nd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Han Sido Amados a la Existencia Bishop Robert Barron October 30, 2022 Cycle C31st wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones La Vida Espiritual es Una Batalla Bishop Robert Barron October 16, 2022 Cycle C29th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Donde Tropiezas, Cava por un Tesoro Bishop Robert Barron October 9, 2022 Cycle C28th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Manténganse Fuertes en el Espíritu Bishop Robert Barron October 2, 2022 Cycle C27th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones ¿Cómo Están Cuidando de los Pobres? Bishop Robert Barron September 25, 2022 Cycle C26th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones No Demonicen —ni Divinicen— a los Poderosos Bishop Robert Barron September 18, 2022 Cycle C25th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Dios está Locamente Enamorado de Ti Bishop Robert Barron September 11, 2022 Cycle C24th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Los Seguidores de Jesús en las Buenas Bishop Robert Barron September 4, 2022 Cycle C23rd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Actúen Contra sus Apegos Bishop Robert Barron August 28, 2022 Cycle C22nd wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Permitan a Cristo Encender un Fuego en Ustedes Bishop Robert Barron August 14, 2022 Cycle C20th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Vayan En Una Travesía del Héroe Bishop Robert Barron August 7, 2022 Cycle C19th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones No Pueden Llevarlos Consigo Bishop Robert Barron July 31, 2022 Cycle C18th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones ¿De Qué Trata el Padrenuestro? Bishop Robert Barron July 24, 2022 Cycle C17th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Céntrate en lo Único Necesario Bishop Robert Barron July 17, 2022 Cycle C16th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Seguir a Jesús Es lo Primero Bishop Robert Barron June 26, 2022 Cycle C13th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones Sacrificio, Alianza, Banquete Bishop Robert Barron June 19, 2022 Cycle CCorpus Christi12th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones ¿Qué Es la Trinidad? Bishop Robert Barron June 12, 2022 Cycle CTrinity Sunday11th wk of Ordinary Time
Sermones La Develación de un Nuevo Mundo Bishop Robert Barron April 24, 2022 Cycle C2nd wk of Easter