Honor Bishop Barron with a tribute gift supporting his efforts to evangelize the culture.
May 24th, 2024 marks the 38th anniversary of Bishop Barron’s ordination to the priesthood. We are deeply grateful for his vocation and for his unrelenting efforts in evangelization. We celebrate the international impact of Bishop Barron’s priesthood, bringing new people into the Catholic faith and drawing others deeper into a relationship with Christ.
Will you make a tribute gift to allow Word on Fire to continue producing this free content that draws people into—or back to—the Catholic faith?
Throughout his priesthood, Bishop Barron has prioritized leading with the beauty of the faith to draw people ever deeper into our Catholic faith. If Bishop Barron’s videos, books, podcasts, or reflections have enhanced your spiritual life, please consider making a tribute gift to honor this special anniversary to help Word on Fire continue proclaiming Christ in the culture.
Please keep Bishop Barron in your prayers on his anniversary. May God continue to bless him abundantly and grant him many more years of service to the Church.
Your tax-deductible donation supports Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization proclaiming Christ in the culture. Together, through media both old and new, we share the transformative power of God’s word where it is most needed.
Other Ways to Give to Word on Fire
Monthly Donations
Our passionate group of monthly donors sustains us as we proclaim Christ to the culture.
Donor Advised Funds
Recommend Word on Fire to your financial institution.
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries
PO Box 97330
Washington, D.C. 20090-7330
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IRA Gifts
Consult with your financial advisor and consider making a charitable rollover gift to Word on Fire.
Your IRA administrator should mail the check to:
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries
PO Box 97330
Washington, D.C. 20090-7330
You can donate stock to Word on Fire by contacting our Development Department.
Please email [email protected] or call us at (866) 928-1237 ext. 3 to receive instructions for transferring stock.
Please provide the following information when you reach out: name, mailing address, email, phone number, number of shares, type of stock, and transfer date.
Mail Check
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries
PO Box 97330
Washington, D.C. 20090-7330
Please include your mailing address and email address.
Sign up for RoundUp to round your credit card purchases up to the nearest dollar. At the end of the month, the proceeds will be donated to Word on Fire.
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Planned Giving
To include Word on Fire in your will, donate stock, set up a charitable remainder trust, or discuss planned giving options, please email us at
[email protected]