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If you live in the United Kingdom, sign up to receive updates from Brenden Thompson, Word on Fire’s UK Program Director, on upcoming opportunities and Catholic community-building efforts in the UK.

Greetings from Brenden Thompson,

Word on Fire’s UK Program Director

Get in Touch

Brenden Thompson

If you live in the UK and are interested in getting more involved in Word on Fire’s evangelization movement and activities, Brenden Thompson would love to hear from you. Click the button below to contact him, and he will be in touch as soon as possible.

A Missionary Journey to London
In February 2023, Bishop Barron embarked on a landmark tour of London. The tour included a talk at Parliament for civic and religious leaders, a pilgrimage to the cell of Thomas More in the Tower of London, a reception for Word on Fire Institute UK members, Mass celebrated at the iconic Westminster Cathedral, and a keynote address at a national evangelization conference called “Sharing the Church’s Story.”
Word on Fire Institute UK Community
Recognising the unique richness of the U.K. Church, and its specific challenges and opportunities, the U.K. community is a place to be, become, or find out more about the Catholic faith. Join us for guided formation, to deepen your prayer life, and to grow as a confident, connected, and culturally literate Catholic alongside others with a heart for harnessing beauty, goodness, and truth to draw people in the UK into or back to the Catholic faith.
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Sharing the Church’s Story
The inaugural national evangelisation conference Sharing the Church’s Story, co-organised by Word on Fire, drew an impressive 1,500 delegates. Word on Fire UK wants to continue to run this conference biennially. The conference is a unique way for Word on Fire to lead, serve, build unity, and give a platform for various UK apostolates and speakers.
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Word on Fire UK Store

For those who want to purchase Word on Fire resources without the burden of international shipping costs, you can visit out dedicated UK online bookstore. There is a wide range of titles dispatched from a warehouse in the UK.

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