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Follow Christ into places
he is not easily found.

Luminor, an imprint of Word on Fire Publishing, seeks to illuminate the Catholic vision of life for serious readers of any faith or none.

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By publishing novels, short stories, memoirs, poetry, and more, Luminor brings out buried riches from the treasury of Catholic literature and highlights fresh voices among writers formed by Catholicity in our time.


As part of the collaborative apostolate of Bishop Robert Barron, Luminor connects genuine seekers after truth with literature that plants “seeds of the Word.”


Luminor publishes works that move the soul from attention to action. Readers who can see what is real can choose what is right.


Luminor leads with beauty—not only in design and form, but in the language, image, and structure of every title.

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Seeds of
the Word

In today’s divided culture, it can be hard to find books that bring life. Luminor builds on the foundations of truth, beauty, and goodness to expand the community of thinkers, writers, and readers engaged in preserving literate culture for generations to come.

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“In your light
we see light.”

Psalm 36:9

Luminor welcomes new manuscript submissions. Please submit no more than one full-length work at a time. Along with your manuscript, please fill out and include this book proposal template in an email to [email protected].

Submissions will be considered in the order they are received. Please allow 6-8 weeks for response.

To submit to Luminor’s inaugural short story contest, please read the guidelines and post your response through this form. The winner will be published in a future issue of Word on Fire’s Evangelization & Culture journal.